Saturday, May 22, 2010

summer reading

I am being totally honest when I tell you I am not a huger reader. Not like my best friend who has a room full of books and she can actually say she has read them all. I just never seem to take the time to actually finish a book, what can I say I get easily distracted. But this summer I have decided to put a stop to all this madness. I am determined to expand my book collection and finally read some of the books I have always wanted read. So here is my summer reading list...

1.breaking dawn

2.the carrie diaries

3.confections of a closet master baker

4.the secret garden

5.alice and wonderland

6.are you there Vodka? it's me chelsea

1 comment:

  1. I reccomend fact you can borrow it! I am onto Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang Bang! :)
