Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bonjour Paris

I can't wait. I'll be in Paris in 10 hours! Stay tuned

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

weenie love..

This past weekend I was talking to my mom about my wonderful dog Marleigh.It was almost four years ago that my boyfriend convinced me that a dachshund puppy should be our first dog together. I was a little hesitant at the time, but when I look back on it I couldn't imagine having any other dog.I just adore my little nuzzler,javelina.I am now a weenie lover!


my amazing parents left today for their European vacation..have a blast..miss you..

Saturday, May 22, 2010

summer reading

I am being totally honest when I tell you I am not a huger reader. Not like my best friend who has a room full of books and she can actually say she has read them all. I just never seem to take the time to actually finish a book, what can I say I get easily distracted. But this summer I have decided to put a stop to all this madness. I am determined to expand my book collection and finally read some of the books I have always wanted read. So here is my summer reading list...

1.breaking dawn

2.the carrie diaries

3.confections of a closet master baker

4.the secret garden

5.alice and wonderland

6.are you there Vodka? it's me chelsea

Friday, May 21, 2010

lets celebrate its friday..

Happy Friday.. its time to celebrate the fact that it is summer.So what are my plans for this weekend, what makes the most splendid weekend.
1. Manicure and Pedicure with my mom
2. Nightly Yogurt with Sam
3. Saturday morning Starbucks
4. Reading Breaking Dawn in my p.j's
5. Finally running those errands

close call..

No thanks to British Airways and their lovely strike that they decided to take right before my trip with Sam's family. Luckily we were able to get tickets on other flights and I will be in Paris in one week! I haven't been there yet but I know I already love it. Paris here I come!

my perfect day..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cant wait Wednesday 12am...The perfect way to start my amazing summer Sex in the City 2 with my best friends.

I can feel it..

"No matter how long I live, there will never be a dull moment."

-Harriet Doerr

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

not everyday can be splendid..

Wisdom teeth-- the two words I have been putting off since high school.Not my favorite thing to do on a Wednesday but tomorrow I am finally getting my wisdom teeth out. So here is to lots of jell-o,sex in the city,magazines and finishing Breaking Dawn... and losing a few lbs!

Monday, May 17, 2010


life is splendid

I never thought that I would start a blog or that I have much to say. But this summer is is going to be filled many new adventures so why wouldn't I document it all to share with the people I love...

"I like to be surrounded by splendid things."
-Freddie Mercury